
A blog about science and religion from the viewpoint of a biology student in a state that's pretty much not on the map.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What are fundamentalists most afraid of?

1. Are you concerned that our country on a whole is abandoning biblical values?
[89] Yes [1] No [10] Undecided

2. How dangerous are the following to the spiritual health of America?
Very/Somewhat/Not very
The ACLU and similar groups 96 /3/ 1
Pro-homosexual indoctrination 95 /4 /1
Abortion 93 /6 /1
Islamic terrorism 91/ 8/ 1
Hollywood 89 /10 /1
News Media 87/ 12/ 1
Darwinism/evolution 85/ 14/ 1
Cults and false religion 82 /16/ 2
Atheism 82 /16/ 2
Courts 81 /18 /1
Apathetic/uninformed Christians 79/ 20/ 1
Colleges and Universities 78 /21 /1
Public education (K-12) 69 /29/ 2
Congress 63 /35 /2


You know as an Athiest, I'd have figured that I'd have landed somewhere above other religions but I also figured I'd rank below education.

Maybe education is only a threat if it doesn't involve threatening people with fire and brimstone?

Still working on the fruit fly post. We'll see how things work out on Sunday.



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